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The nematodes are beneficial microscopic worms that hunt and destroy larvae in the soil. You can also introduce nematodes to the ground if you’re battling other soil-dwelling bugs. One way to go on the offensive with fungus gnats is to use biological controls.
Preventative Measures to Keep Gnats Away
Fruit flies are another pest commonly confused with interior or fungus gnats. Also called vinegar flies, they are tiny, around 1/16 inch (2 mm), with distinct red eyes and a mix of tan, black, and gray on their head and body. For gnat problems on and around your houseplants, consider using diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle the fine powder in a thin layer on the soil; it will work to kill gnat larvae.
How to Get Rid of Gnats in Your House with a DIY Gnat Trap
Drain flies are about 1/8 inch (4 mm) long with long antennae and light tan to gray coloring. They have faint black and white speckling on their heart-shaped wings and tiny white hairs on their body. Fungus gnats have a very distinct odor when crushed between your fingers. Amanda Rose Newton is a pest specialist and horticulture expert, reviewing pest control and gardening content for The Spruce's Cleaning and Gardening Review Board.
How Do Gnat Infestations Start?
This will allow the top layer to dry out, which prompts the gnats to stay in the lower layers of composting material, reducing the likelihood of them flying around in your living area. Just get rid of it — whether it’s moldy fruit on the counter or food that has built up in your garbage disposal. Leftover food will attract gnats and create all kinds of unwanted smells in your kitchen. On the same note, throw out your garbage, and until you do, make sure it stays in a sealed container. The same goes for any compost bins you might have — don’t leave them open throughout the day. Say your plants are dry and gnat-free — that’s the time to start investigating potential sources of mildew or mold.
Most modern zappers are safe for indoor use, so you can plug one in adjacent to your gnat problem. Gnats lay their eggs in the places they love to feed and hide, namely, dirty garbage disposals and drains, compost bins, garbage cans, and anywhere moist and humid. They will also lay eggs into rotting fruit and vegetables, including those in your fruit bowl or pantry. 'Vinegar traps can be made by placing a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a clear bowl or jar. Cover the top tightly with plastic wrap and poke several holes in the top, which will allow the adult gnats to enter but will not allow them out.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: 5 Tips to Kill & Prevent Fruit Flies - Prevention Magazine
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: 5 Tips to Kill & Prevent Fruit Flies.
Posted: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
If you continue to have appealing habitats for gnats in your home, no, they will not likely go away on their own. If you remove old food and beverages, take out the trash and are sure to eliminate high-moisture environments an infestation may subside. "Gnat" is actually an umbrella term referring to a wide variety of small insects. To get rid of gnats in the house a few different strategies are recommended. Traps, bleach and even exterminators can be effective solutions depending on the severity of your infestation. Try these expert tips to get rid of gnats and fruit flies quickly.

Citronella is quite strong, so check you like it first before bringing it indoors. If, however, gnats have gathered in a room and it's windy outdoors, opening up windows to create a breeze indoors will discourage them from hanging about. They are not great flyers and tend to dislike rooms with good air movement.
Moisture [and] fungus remediation is critical to long-term control,” said Sansig. To the naked eye, most wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two. Luckily, you can get prevent and get rid of both gnats and fruit flies in the same way.
Add the three ingredients to a glass, a plastic cup or any other vessel. Stir it up, and then place the glass where gnats are floating around. "Gnat" can refer to a number of different species of small flies.
Gnats, drain flies, and fruit flies can enter your home through cracks, holes, and other openings around doors, foundations, and windows. Gnats are most active when the weather warms up, and we can bring them into our home along with produce from our garden, in dirty trash cans, and from other sources. Once gnats infest a home, it’s unlikely that they’ll go away on their own. Their food source needs to be removed and larvae need to be killed to effectively get rid of gnats. Yes, the very thing that caused the infestation in the first place might be your best bet when it comes to ending it.
Dryer conditions make for a less hospitable environment for fungus gnats. And, gnats aside, overwatering isn’t good news for your plants in any case. If the roots are overexposed to moisture, it can encourage root rot and and lead to suffocation.

For example, a hydrogen peroxide drench will also kill nematodes. So, wait for two weeks after a neem oil or hydrogen peroxide flush before putting nematodes in the soil. Let’s look at some of the best gnat control methods you can use. You probably need to use a combination of ways if you want to say goodbye to these bugs for good. Pour apple cider vinegar into a cup or glass and mix in a few drops of dish soap.
If houseplants are the source of your gnat issue, kill off any larvae in the soil of your houseplants by digging down 2 to 3 inches and turning the top of the soil over. Place 1 to 2 inches of sand on top of the soil to discourage standing water and deter gnats from laying eggs. For fruit flies, the easiest DIY option is a vinegar trap, which is simple and cost-effective to create. Simply place a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, a few drops of dish soap, and a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl and stir.
Some gnats are simply pests, while others actually pollinate plants and play a beneficial role. “Another little-known gnat hack is putting raw potato chunks into the soil to attract larvae,” Schutter says. “This has the twofold benefit of drawing them away from your plant’s roots and blocking their access simultaneously. Other signs of a gnat infestation are your plants wilting, losing leaves, and turning yellow. Gnat infestations can weaken your plants and make them more susceptible to other pests and diseases. Gnats are one of the few pests that can also be treated quickly by using home remedies.
You not only need to kill the tiny flying pests—you need to eradicate the larvae and the eggs. Fungus gnats lay their eggs in the soil, which is how they're brought into the home. "Either you bring in a plant that has eggs or larvae in the soil already, or you repot with potting mix that has eggs or larvae in it," says Hancock. Any rip in a bag of potting mix leaves an opening for gnats to lay eggs. Gnats are attracted to moisture, so they are often found near bodies of water, moist soil or even freshly cut grass. Female gnats bite people because they require a blood meal to produce eggs, while males feed on plants.
Fungus gnats look black and feature long legs while fruit flies are typically brown and rounder in shape. Drain flies have a fuzzier appearance and larger wings, and as the name suggests, they hang out around sink drains. When in doubt, contact a pest control professional to help diagnose the problem. If you need to know how to get rid of fungus gnats, the odds are these tiny pests have already made their presence known. These little flies, which look a lot like fruit flies, breed in the moist soil of houseplants.
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